Effective Friday, November 19, Oceana County MCF will allow indoor visitation for all residents as permitted under the (Nursing Home) regulations. Nursing facilities can no longer limit the frequency of visits, length of visits, number of visitors, or require...
READ MORE OF "COVID-19: Oceana County Medical Care Facility is open for visitation"
Christmas was grand again this year for our residents. We would like to send a huge thank you to everyone who donated to the Resident Christmas Fund, whether it was a monetary donation or through purchases made at the...
READ MORE OF "Resident Christmas"
For the week of January 19th to the 25th we took time to recognize our activity professionals who strive daily to provide meaningful, purposeful, recreational and therapeutic activities to our residents. For more information on what it means to be an...
READ MORE OF "National Activity Professionals Week"
We were honored to have Reed Schulz choose our facility as his Eagle Scout service project beneficiary. Reed was able to meet our need for some much needed shade in the front courtyard with a custom pergola. This project...
READ MORE OF "Pergola Project"